Aesthetic Usability Effect - Aesthetically pleasing design creates a positive response in people’s brains and leads them to believe the design actually works better.

Doherty Threshold - Provide system feedback within 400ms in order to keep users’ attention and increase productivity.

Fitts’s Law - The time to acquire a target is a function of the distance to and size of the target.

Hick’s Law - The time it takes to make a decision increases with the number and complexity of choices.

Jakob’s Law - Users spend most of their time on other sites. This means that users prefer your site to work the same way as all the other sites they already know.

Law of Common Region - Elements tend to be perceived into groups if they are sharing an area with a clearly defined boundary.

Law of Prägnanz - People will perceive and interpret ambiguous or complex images as the simplest form possible, because it is the interpretation that requires the least cognitive effort of us.

Law of Proximity - Objects that are near, or proximate to each other, tend to be grouped together.

Law of Similarity - The human eye tends to perceive similar elements in a design as a complete picture, shape, or group, even if those elements are separated.

Law of Uniform Connectedness - Elements that are visually connected are perceived as more related than elements with no connection.

Miller’s Law - The average person can only keep 7 (plus or minus 2) items in their working memory.